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Created in collaboration with theater artist Darcie Dennigan and the Wilbury Theater as a capstone project for the 2019 PVD Fringe Festival, the Olneyville Expo was a free, outdoor theatrical event celebrating the history, culture and community of the Olneyville neighborhood of Providence, RI. Borrowing both the variety format and the ethics of education and uplift from 19th Expositions, Chautauquas, and Worlds Fairs, the Olneyville Expo brought together community groups, historians, ecologists, storytellers, artists, performers, engineers and artisans under a tent in Donigian Park to create a collaborative portrait of this neighborhood in transition. Part lecture series, part variety show, part dance party, The Expo was an eclectic bilingual performance by, for, and of the people of Olneyville.

Click HERE for photo gallery and additional information.

A Celebration of Olneyville Past, Present, and Future
presented by The Wilbury Theatre Group
in collaboration with The City of Providence Dept. Art, Culture, Tourism​, with support from
Rhode Island Council for the Humanities, the Rhode Island Foundation,
​WaterFire Providence, and TROOP

Created by
Darcie Dennigan, Jesse Hawley, and James Stanley
​Music by Elementary Music
Costumes by Jessie Darrell Jarbadan
Stage management by Jessie March, Paula Oronoz, and Maxine Wolfson
Featuring Phoenyx Williams, Sarah Leach, Marcel Mascaro, and Project 401

with special guests:

Ray Two Hawks Watson, Pomham Sachem of the Mashapaug Nahaganset Tribe; Matt Tracy, mapmaker & farmer; Iglesia Puerta del Refugio's youth dancers; Téatro Écas' D'Abbate School theatre students, led by Laura Martinez Espinale; The Manton Avenue Project; Keri King, muralist; Alicia Lehrer, WRWC; Alvaro Morales, magician and community leader; Ashley Ogoffa, high school theatre student; Greg Stevens, Olneyville NY System; State Senator Sam Bell; City Council President Sabina Matos; Erik Talley, musician, Fort Thunder; Pastor; Jeffrey Williams, King's Cathedral ; Blue Wave Poetics, hip hop; and more!

With special thanks to
Sarah Zurier. RI historical preservation; Angela DiVeglia, PPL; Kate Wells, PPL; Berge Ara Zobian Gallery Z; DeeDee Brown and Beauty in the Backstreets; Xander Marro, Dirt Palace; Delia Rodriguez-Masjoan, ONB; Yvonne Wingard, ONB; Marta Martínez, RI Latino Arts; Lisa Aurecchia, WRWC

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